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The drive to the Lago di Garda and later on to the Arena of Verona was really nice and relaxed. We started at 10am and arrived at Arco at 6pm after our journey over the Fernpass, Reschenpass. The first Albergo Rosa was completely booked, because of the festival of Santa Anna in Arco, but at the information in Arco we got the address of the Albergo Cattoi. From there we drove straight to the Arena of Verona and have been lucky to get two seats at the top.

The opera of Carmen was great and we enjoyed the 4 acts of the opera until the fine at almost 1am. After the opera we just made a short stop at a restaurant with tomato soup and a small pizza and drove back to Arco.

Saturday was really relaxed as well. After a nice breakfast we went to Arco walked through the town and the market and of course enjoyed a really yummy ice-cream. Afterwards we drove up to the Lago Iseo and back to Lago di Garda where we got in a bad but interesting thunderstorm. In Riva we enjoyed a fabulous italian dinner and couldn't stand again of an other ice cream.

On Sunday we started just after the breakfast back to Stuttgart but we decided to take a different way over Switzerland with St. Moriz, Schaffhausen and we finally arrived in Stuttgart at almost 9pm after a lovely and relaxing weekend.


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